Gracie is now 13 years old!

For nine years she's eaten REAL, HOMEMADE FOOD, NOT commercial dog food. This blog shows how easy it is to be a DOGGIE CHEF and how healthy a home-fed dog can be.

July 13, 2010

Gracie's Snacks

In addition to Gracie's homemade meals and doggie biscuits (click here for a Doggie Biscuit recipe), we often share our snacks with her.
Whenever we have a snack Gracie, will usually have one too. Some of her favorites are:

Crusty Italian or French bread
Ice cream (vanilla or butternut pecan; no chocolate or coffee)
Cereal and milk
Medjool dates (no more than one whole one)
Any canned fish
Peanut butter (especially if it's stuffed into a rubber Kong Toy -- click here for a photo))

And if we're eating potato chips, walnuts or pecans, raw apple or blueberries, Gracie will eat some too. However, these foods don't excite her as much as the snacks listed above.

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