Gracie is now 13 years old!

For nine years she's eaten REAL, HOMEMADE FOOD, NOT commercial dog food. This blog shows how easy it is to be a DOGGIE CHEF and how healthy a home-fed dog can be.

November 24, 2009

"The Nature of Animal Healing"

"The Nature of Animal Healing --- The Definitive Holistic Medicine Guide to Caring For Your Dog And Cat," by Martin Goldstein, D.V.M.
Copyright 1999

Doggie Chef Rating:
4 out of 5 bones

Like other natural pet care books I've read, this one contains some useful information and some information that's too “far out” for me (For example: Dr. Goldstein’s use of homeopathic remedies for a pet’s physical ailments and his use of Bach’s Flower Remedies for emotional ailments). Yet parts of the book are excellent. Especially chapter three, “It All Starts With The Food;” chapter four, “The Dubious Legacy of Vaccines;” and chapter nine, “The Spiritual Realm.”

Dr. Goldstein is a DoggieChef! He advocates feeding pets “real food” and he prepares homemade meals for his own pets. While this book doesn’t have any homemade pet food recipes, the author does state the different kinds of foods he gives his pets. Goldstein also addresses the question, “How much of the good food should I feed my pet?” His answer: “It depends! On weight, metabolism, temperament and breed. And probably the weather too.” I totally agree.

I found the chapter on vaccines especially interesting. Goldstein thinks vaccines are the leading killer of dogs and cats in America today. He provides background information on the history of vaccines and their use for people and pets and talks about his experience with vaccines as a veterinarian.

I really like the way Goldstein explained the relationship between a pet’s emotions and the pet’s level of wellness. Too many pet owners have too little empathy for their pets. They have no clue how their own feelings of depression, anger, loneliness or grief stress out their pets and can make their pets ill. I agree with a lot of what Goldstein says about pets and the spiritual realm. It’s probably because I feel spiritually connected to my dog!

Overall, this book is Doggie Chef recommended!

November 12, 2009

All Snuggled In Bed

Gracie sleeps in a dog bed on my bed. Dogs can be great foot warmers in wintertime! And yes, she sleeps with her stuffed animal toys. I've tried to cover Gracie on cold winter nights with her own cozy fleece blanket but after a while she seems to get too warm and just shakes it off. The "blanket" she favors is an old, lightweight cotton tablecloth. I guess her fur coat keeps her warm enough!

November 3, 2009

Ground Beef & Chicken Dinner 11-3-09

Ground beef


Cooked barley

Whole wheat bread

Green peas


Corn oil

Ground flax seed